We are a faith-filled learning community, striving for excellence, to create a better future.

At St Vincent's Primary School, we draw on the richness of our Mercy heritage. Our school motto, Misericordia, means mercy. Mercy is God's compassion; God's loving kindness reaching out to all. Mercy is love in action. Misericordia highlights our historical connection to the spirit of the Mercy Sisters, founded by Catherine McAuley.
We recognise St Vincent de Paul, a priest, after whom our school is named. Vincent lived a life of service. He revolutionised religion by accepting the challenge to witness to his faith. Leading others he returned to the basics Jesus taught; feeding the hungry, comforting the afflicted, nursing the sick, caring for children and the elderly.
We acknowledge that our school covenant guides our daily actions. Together our community is called to contribute to the shared stories and vibrant memories of St Vincent's Primary School. Our covenant, together with the attributes of our religious patrons, Vincent and Catherine provides us with our Mercy Qualities.
At St Vincent's Primary School, we strive to live our everyday lives according to the Mercy Qualities. Together, staff, children and parents endeavour to build and maintain a community which values quality relationships and where we each strive to be more like Jesus.
The Mercy Qualities Program seeks to further develop our children as well-rounded community members who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ every day.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School (2023)